Allah or al Rahman :-
In this chapter I shall reveal one of the worst con tricks ever perpetrated upon the followers of Muhammad and the WORLD by the exegetes of Islam.
The fact that the expression Al Rahman was NOT and is NOT a characteristic [compassionate, most gracious] of Allah but was and is the actual NAME - not an adjective - of the supreme god of the Yemen that Muhammad first gravitated to before changing his allegiance to Allah.
Muhammad hijacked the name of this deity during his early Mecca period and used it extensively in his initial verses to bring the pagan Quraysh to believe in this god.
The name of al Rahman, NOT Allah, appears in twelve Mecca Suras forty seven times and in the very early Madina Suras three times.
I shall provide a list of all of them at the end of this chapter for your reference and verification.
In almost each and every occurrence of the word Rahman or al Rahman, the Muslim translators deliberately pervert it into an attribute (sifa) of Allah so that the ordinary Muslims would be deceived and with them all of humanity.
The reason is obvious. How could there have been two gods with two different names that Muhammad believed in?
Since the Mecca verses were the very earliest alleged revelations, I shall show you that all the attributes and deeds that were later bestowed upon Allah, were those that al Rahman had before him.
I shall demonstrate how the translators of the Quran invariably and deliberately add words to the text that are not in the Arabic of the verse, or falsify the meaning or smooth it over, so as to deceive and mislead the unwary and the unlearned in the Arabic language be they followers of Muhammad or not.
Muhammad repeatedly told his followers that War is Deception. Hence, considering the fact and reality that Muhammadan Muslims are at war with 80% of humanity whom are called Ummat al Kuffa / Nation of Infidels (all Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Zoroasterians, Atheists, Animists, Pagans etc; all those who do not believe as the Muslims do), they hence must use all manner of deception and subterfuge, with utter contempt for Facts & Reality, in their attempts to convert people to their depraved CULT belief system.
I shall start with the very remarkable Surat al Rahman 55.
1 Al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious]
2 It is He Who has taught the Qur'an.
This verse clearly indicates that it was al RAHMAN who has brought down the Quran and NOT Allah.
All the verses which follow, describe al Rahman's deeds, attributes and alleged 'revelations' to Muhammad.
Not ONCE is the word ALLAH mentioned in this Sura of 78 verses.
3 He has created man:
4 He has taught him speech
5 The sun and the moon follow courses computed;
7 And the Firmament has He raised high and He has set up the balance
10 It is He Who has spread out the earth for (His) creatures:
14 He created man from sounding clay like unto pottery.
15 And He created Jinns from fire free of smoke:
*** Only in Muhammad's Quran are Jinn [Demons] created with humanity and are parallel creatures, though invisible to them***
19 He has let free the two bodies [bahrain] of flowing water meeting together:
I would like to read to you what the translator of this Quran, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, one of the best on this subject, explaining this verse and the following using convoluted logic with deliberate deception and misrepresentation of the facts~
#5185 Maraja: literally, let free or let loose cattle for grazing.
Bahrain: two seas, or two bodies of flowing water; for bahr is applied both to the salt sea and to rivers.
But the wonderful Sign is that the two bodies of water, though they pass through each other, remain distinct bodies, with their distinct functions ….salt and sweet, meet together, yet keep separate, as if there was a barrier or partition between them#
Irrespective of the interpreter's asinine and poor attempt at explaining this verse, its meaning is still very illusive.
Most important of all, the interpreter has DELIBERATELY Mis- represented the meaning of the verse because the Arabic clearly states-
" (He) mixed [maraja] the two seas [Bahrain]; meeting together [yaltaqiyani] "
There is NO MENTION of 'flowing water' nor of their characteristics whether salt or sweet. All of these explanations are the translator's conjecture only and not based on the Arabic of the verses.
Furthermore, the Arabic lexicons use two completely different words to describe sea (Bahar) and river (shatt). Hence the Quran is describing the mixing of two seas without any allusion to any river.
Many of the verses in this Surah make very little sense - if any - and forces the interpreter to go to extreme lengths of CONVOLUTED 'LOGIC' to explain them.
20 Between them is a Barrier (baynahuma barzakhou) which they do not transgress (la yabghiyani):
The word used here is 'barzakhou' which is being translated to 'Barrier' which is illogical since the Arabic of the earlier verse is CRYSTAL CLEAR in asserting that the two seas were 'MIXED' (maraja) and 'WERE MEETING TOGETHER' and hence could not have had any BARRIER between them.
Most relevant of all is the fact, that this word 'barzakh' did not exist in the Arabic language prior to its sudden and unique appearance in thee verses in Muhammad's Quran.
It is also a fact that the Muslim lexicons, venture no suggestion as to its verbal root, and are unable to quote any examples of the use of this word in any Arabian old poetry, and obviously seek to interpret its meaning from the material of the Quran itself.
Most modern linguists agree that it is originally a Persian word (Parasang) meaning a measure of land or of roads.
46 But for such as fear the time when they will stand before (the Judgment Seat of) their Lord there will be two Gardens [Jannatan]
56 In them will be (Maidens) Chaste restraining their glances whom no man or Jinn before them has touched [yatt-mithahunna]
Only Muhammad's Quran promises PHYSICAL and not SPIRITUAL female companions - for SEX - to those followers of Muhammad who are pre destined to the Gardens because they died in JIHAD (slaughtering, plundering, raping and enslaving Unbelievers).
Neither the Hebrew Bible nor the New Testament ever associated such EROTICISM and physicality in their concept of the afterlife.
72 Companions [hoorun] restrained (as to their glances) in (goodly) pavilions
74 Whom no man or Jinn before them has touched [yatt-mithahunna]
78 Blessed be the NAME of thy Lord full of Majesty Bounty and Honor.
Without many of the interpretations that are added above, any reader of the Quran, should realise the incredible repetitiveness of the Quranic verses and their total lack of logic and clarity of thought.
Muhammad's Quran, as the product of his twisted mental secretions, is obsessed with Sex, Fear, Hell, Submission, Torture and more Sex.
Another revealing example-
Al Isra 17: 110 Say: "Call upon Allah or call upon Al Rahman: by whatever NAME ye call upon Him (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful NAMES [al asma^a al husna] …"
In crystal clear Arabic, the Quran asserts that both Allah and al Rahman are NAMES of gods [asma^a]. Allah was the name of the supreme god of the Ka'ba in Mecca and al Rahman was the name of the god of the Yemenites.
A further example-
Al Furqan 25:59 "He Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between in six days and is firmly established on the Throne (of authority): Al Rahman: (most Gracious) ask thou then about Him of any acquainted (with such things)
60 When it is said to them "Adore ye [(Allah) Most Gracious!] lil Rahmani they say "And what is [(Allah) Most Gracious] al Rahmanu? Shall we adore that which thou commandest us?" and it increases their flight (from the Truth).
Ladies & gentlemen, please be aware that the items between [square parenthesis], are actually the FALSE translations of the Arabic verses since the name Allah is NOT mentioned but al Rahman is.
This particular verse is pregnant with meaning because the Quraysh, Muhammad's tribe do not believe in al Rahman the god of the Yemenites and are challenging Muhammad as to why they should adore this god instead of Allah.
I shall now address the Sura that contains the name of al Rahman the most. Surat Maryam 19 with sixteen such references.
Maryam 19: 18 She said: "I seek refuge from thee to [(Allah) Most Gracious] bil Rahmani: (come not near) if thou dost fear (Allah)."
"Qalat: inny a'outhoo bil Rahmani minka in kunta taqqyyan"
Anyone who understands the Arabic language should be disgusted at the utter contempt with which the translator attempts to deceive the readers.
The name of Allah is not in this verse but that of al Rahman is.
Maryam is asking for protection from Al-Rahman against one whom she perceives as a man entering her private chambers, but who is in fact the angel Gabriel.
She is asking for protection from the Most Powerful, the Almighty, not mercy from "the Beneficent"! She declares this asking for protection from Al-Rahman to the "intruder" in order also to frighten the intruder, for which situation the appellation "the Merciful" or "The Most Gracious" would hardly instill fear, and hence is unsuitable.
26 … And if thou dost see any man say `I have vowed a fast to al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious] and this day will I enter into no talk with any human being.
The next few verses are about Abraham admonishing his pagan father~
44 "O my father! serve not Satan: for Satan is a rebel against al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious]
45 "O my father! I fear lest you will suffer the torture of al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious] so that thou become to Satan a friend."
Let us analyze this verse. Abraham is warning his father, an idol-worshipper, "I fear you could be struck with the wrath of Al-Rahman, and Satan would be your guide in Hell"
Being "struck with the wrath of al Rahman" is not the act of a Merciful, a Beneficent or a Most Gracious divinity.
This act does not express his mercy or beneficence. This is the act of a vengeful god; the Almighty, the Ultimate Authority, the All-Powerful Avenger.
To exert 'wrath' or cause 'torture' do not fall under the definitions of 'mercy', 'beneficence' or 'graciousness'.
61 Gardens of Eternity those which al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious] has promised to His servants…
69 Then shall We certainly drag out from every sect all those who were worst in obstinate rebellion against al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious]
Dragging out Unbelievers does not come under mercy or Compassion but under revenge and Wrath.
78 Has he penetrated to the Unseen or has he taken a contract with al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious]?
85 The day We shall gather the righteous to al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious] like a band presented before a king for honors.
87 None shall have the power of intercession but such a one as has received permission (or promise) from al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious]
88 They say: " al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious] has begotten a son!"
91 That they should invoke a son for al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious]
92 For it is not consonant with the majesty of al Rahman {(Allah) Most Gracious}that He should beget a son.
93 Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious] as a servant.
96 On those who believe and work deeds of righteousness will al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious] bestow Love.
Verses 85-96, represent the most powerful and clarifying illuminations of the meaning of the name Al-Rahman. His name is used repeatedly and forcefully condemning the worship of Isa (Jesus) by Christians and any allegation that al Rahman shares power with any other (son), or procreates.
These verses/ ayat mention that the mountains, the heavens and the earth all prostrate in awe and worship of Al-Rahman, the creator.
They vividly describe how any blasphemy invokes his wrath.
Are the above descriptions of "The Beneficent" or "Most Gracious" divinity?
Do these verses describe a benevolent benefactor as in "beneficent"?
Or a generous host as in "gracious", "graciously" entertaining his guests?
Do these verses describe a kind-hearted ruler forgiving His disobedient subjects?
Do they not describe NONE but an all powerful god?
For a word of such magnitude, such immense significance, an inept substitute for the true meaning cannot be simply brushed off as a minor "mistake".
The consequences of this "mistake" are a chain reaction of "mistakes" and errors in understanding the Quran.
In every instance of the usage of the name Al-Rahman in Muhammad's Quran, the only appropriate interpretation is expressed in the name 'The Almighty'.
The so called 'scholars' of Islam will stoop to any abyss and use all nefarious means to mislead, distort and contort all Facts and Reality in defense of their indefensibly Depraved CULT belief system.
I shall repeat the following statement yet again:
The Hadiths that explain to the followers of Muhammad his Quran and his Sunna are the very same that utterly discredit Muhammad as a prophet and his Quran's alleged divine origin.
Muhammad's Quran and Sunna Self Destruct.
The name Al-Raheem (the All-Merciful) is mentioned in the Quran (in reference to Allah) exactly twice as many times (114 times) as the mentioning of the name Al-Rahman (The Almighty) (57 times).
In another clear example, we have the description in Surat Taha: 1-5, culminating when "Al-Rahman 'ascends' on his throne.
This is the perfect image of power and authority, the assumption of full control over everything. The concept of mercy is irrelevant here since it is not its time, nor its place.
Ta ha 20: 1 Ta Ha. 2 "We have not sent down the Qur'an to thee to be (an occasion) for thy distress 3 But only as an admonition to those who fear (Allah)
Sura Taha (20) in a sense, completes the description of Al-Rahman in Surat Maryam (19).
Even the approach to the name Al-Rahman in this Sura is preceded by fear (verse 3): the proper attitude of the faithful people (mu'mineen) to Al Rahman is FEAR (they fear his power, not his mercy).
4 A revelation from Him Who created the earth and the heavens on high.
5 Al Rahman [Allah) Most Gracious] is firmly established on the throne (of authority).
This verse clearly declares the authority of Al-Rahman, NOT his mercy.
6 To Him belongs what is in the heavens and on earth and all between them and all beneath the soil.
7 If thou pronounce the word aloud (it is no matter): for verily He knoweth what is secret and what is yet more hidden.
8 Allah! there is no god but He! To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names.
These verses assert:
Aya 4 clearly declares that the source of the Quran is Al Rahman.
Aya 5 declares his authority (not his mercy or beneficence) as Al-Rahman, glory to him in the highest.
Aya 6 declares his ownership of the heavens, the earth, and all that is between them, and what is within the earth, inclusive, and
Aya 7 declares his complete omniscience.
This sequence is culminated in aya 8, where the "Power-Statement" or la illaha ila Allah (there is no god but Allah) is given.
Its use in the Quran is always with power and most emphatic. Here it completes the image of Al rahman's or Allah's total authority.
The cumulative effect of these words and their relationship to the name Al-Rahman emphasizes and powerfully demonstrates to us the obvious fact that this name refers to none other than an Almighty divinity!
There are many appropriate places to invoke his mercy, his benevolence, and his grace, but this is not one of them!
Specifically, these eight verses very clearly show the appropriateness of the great name of al Rahman to the most graphic description of his power and authority, the power and authority which solely belongs to 'The Almighty' and NOT to Beneficence or Mercy!
Ta Ha 20:90 "Aaron had already before this said to them: "O my people! ye are being tested in this: for verily your Lord is al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious]: so follow me and obey my command."
Ta Ha 20: 108 "On that Day will they follow the Caller (straight): no crookedness (can they show) him: all sounds shall humble themselves in the presence of al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious]: nothing shalt thou hear but the tramp of their feet (as they march).
109 On that Day shall no intercession avail except for those for whom permission has been granted by al Rahman [(Allah) Most Gracious]: and whose word is acceptable to him.
Verses 108 and 109 above give a devastating description of the Day of Judgment and Al Rahman's terrifying power and authority on that Day.
These two verses are followed by verse 110 describing vividly Al Rahman's omniscience and verse 111 stating that all faces will be submitted to the Living, the Eternal (Al-Hayy Al-Khayyum) and that those who carry the burden of even a single act of sin will be doomed (there is no reference to forgiveness , "mercy" or "beneficence" here).
This entire sequence again emphasizes the power and authority and devastating wrath of the Al Rahman!
The following are all the references to the name Al-Rahman in the Quran~
1:1, 1:3, 2:163, 13:30, 17:110, 19:18, 19:26, 19:44, 19:45, 19:58,
19:61, 19:69, 19:75, 19:78, 19:85, 19:87, 19:88, 19:91, 19:92,
19:93, 19:96, 20:5, 20:90, 20:108, 20:109, 21:26, 21:36,
21:42, 21:112, 25:26, 25:59, 25:60, 25:60, 25:63, 25:63, 26:5,
27:30, 36:11, 36:15, 36:23, 36:52, 41:2, 43:17, 43:19, 43:20,
43:33, 43:36, 43:45, 43:81, 50:33, 55:1, 59:22, 67:3, 67:19,
67:20, 67:29, 78:37, and 78:38.
In all of these instances, the name Al-Rahman means The Almighty.
Based entirely upon the very Arabic verses of Muhammad's Quran, they very clearly prove that Al Rahman was the god (Almighty) that Muhammad referred to when he was in Mecca before he changed his mind to Allah shortly after escaping to Medina.